Subspace and how it can affect you

Subspace and how it can affect you


Subspace is something every submissive wants to achieve during a scene; however, every submissive experiences subspace differently; many subs will read someone else subspace experience and believe that they haven’t experienced subspace like that in their scenes.

What is subspace?

There are typically two types of subspace that can be achieved during a scene. The first type of subspace is usually reached through impact play, wherein the body enters subspace through the rush of adrenalin and endorphins during impact play, especially if there is a rhythm. The second type of subspace is achieved psychologically from the intense pleasure created by their Dom/me; some subs describe this as a euphoric state or out-of-body experience.

While in subspace, a submissive can become non-vocal or unable to make rational decisions; limits and boundaries should never be discussed or crossed when a submissive is in subspace.

When your body experiences pain similar to impact play, it will release endorphins that help the body cope with the pain. This rush of endorphins can be an intense experience that makes subs “drunk” in a sense as they become giddy. Submissives will also become sexually charged and eager to please their Dom/me, often willing to push their own boundaries just to keep that high during the scene.

During this stage of nirvana, you can either become accurately aware of the sexual experience or completely lose yourself in that moment. Some subs will remember their subspace acutely, while others will have brain fog.

As unique as subspace is to experience, it is always important to remember what goes up must come down. Coming down from subspace can lead a submissive to crash quickly into subdrop. If a Dom/me is able to realize their sub is in subspace, it’s always essential to try and bring them down slowly. This can be done while still in the scene or after that with aftercare.

There are many submissives that haven’t experienced subspace, and it is important to know that this does not make you less of a submissive or a bad submissive. The most important thing is that you enjoy your scene, the intimacy, and the experience you and your Dom/me share. Subspace isn’t achieved every time, and you will have your moment in time, don’t try to focus on reaching subspace; be in the moment and enjoy it for what it is.


There are typically two types of subspace that can be achieved during a scene. The first type of subspace is usually reached through impact play, wherein the body enters subspace through the rush of adrenalin and endorphins during impact play, especially if there is a rhythm. The second type of subspace is achieved psychologically from the intense pleasure created by their Dom/me; some subs describe this as a euphoric state or out-of-body experience.

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