Sub Frenzy

Sub Frenzy

When a submissive is caught up in the highs of the new dynamic, often allowing themselves to get a little reckless in their activities and pushing limits too early on in the dynamic.


Sub frenzy is often associated with submissives that are new to BDSM and even experienced submissives sometimes can get sub frenzy after a dynamic or relationship has ended. You are in a heightened state of need. You feel like you need to submit to a new Dom so that you can have a scene with them immediately; you must be spanked or degraded and used as soon as possible.

Sub frenzy is actually a very dangerous state to be in, and you could be putting yourself in danger without realizing it entirely.

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When a submissive is caught up in the highs of the new dynamic, often allowing themselves to get a little reckless in their activities and pushing limits too early on in the dynamic. Sub frenzy is often associated with submissives that are new to BDSM and even experienced submissives sometimes can get sub frenzy after…