
I just love some of the terms coined over the past couple of years; manspreading is possibly one of the most self-explanatory when it comes to public transport or any situation when seating options are available.

Why do women settle?

Why do women settle is strange and unclear to me; I have seen it happen countless times, and I don’t understand it.

A woman’s worth,

However, they told me I was a single woman in her thirties, I have no children or family obligations, and therefore I did not need to earn as much as my previous male counterparts. I was being told that although I held the company’s highest position and earned less than some men in the company. It did not mean that they did not appreciate the efforts I made. A woman’s worth was obviously less than a man’s.

Plain Jane isn’t that boring

Dressing up in a miniskirt with fishnet stockings with get them interested but for the wrong reason, once they see you as sex on legs, your career ends there. You will always be the show pony but will never contribute to the team or the business/industry.

Opinionated woman

My stubborn and opinionated personality played a part in this ending, as this "CEO" did not like the fact that I knew more than him, or that I made it clear that I knew he was spoon-fed with no understanding of the industry or the market. Let alone an opinionated woman knew more than him…

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