What is a Soft Dom

Soft Dom

What is a Soft Dom

Many people identify as Soft Doms in BDSM. There are several different types of Doms that people can identify as in the world of BDSM; some dominants have a little of everything, whereas others only identify as a specific Dom type.

What is a Soft Dom? They are Dom’s with a softer approach to BDSM, and they use a more delicate approach when engaging with their submissives. A Soft Dom isn’t a sadist or into humiliation. Instead, they enjoy giving their submissives pleasure, often engaging in more sensual play like wax play, forced orgasms, or temperature play. Soft Doms prefer having connections with their submissives or power. They will never push past your boundaries or limits; they aim to please.

A Soft Dom will praise their submissive and encourage them as opposed to instructing them to do tasks. A soft Dom will rarely challenge you as aggression is not their style, and they are definitely not the type to punish their submissives. They might instead tell you they are disappointed in something you did, but this will be done in an encouraging tone not to hurt their submissives feelings.

Even though Soft Dom’s arent into impact play or punishments, this does not mean they would not engage in this kind of play to help their submissives achieve subspace or if their submissive needs cathartic spankings or floggings. It will, however, hurt them more than it hurts you. If your Soft Dom does engage in impact play for your benefit, you will need to give them extra aftercare at the end of the scene. They will feel guilty that they hurt you and possibly ask you to forgive them. You will need to ensure that your Soft Dom feels appreciated and admired after this type of play as they might experience Dom drop afterward because they will be conflicted about this.

Daddy Doms are often considered Soft Doms as they are more patient and nurturing with their submissives. Soft Dom’s use mental dominance over physical dominance; it is all about encouraging their submissives to be good and the best version of themselves. They care, please, and protect their submissives.

Soft Doms are the gentleman of the BDSM realm, and you will crave their affection and encouragement once you understand their form of dominance.

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Soft Doms are the gentleman of the BDSM realm, and you will crave their affection and encouragement once you understand their form of dominance.


  1. As a Dominant I am in between Service and Soft. I actually quite enjoy impact play and am tad on the sadist side. A submissive’s safety is of utmost importance to me and I would never push against their limits but please do not assume we cannot be interested in impact and sadism

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