What to do about your kinky bruises,

What to do about your kinky bruises,

Now, most people who are new to BDSM or impact play are often surprised by their bruises, yet as exciting as kinky sex bruises are, some people need to hide their bruises, whether for social or professional reasons.

I was in a very abusive relationship for years, and I was deeply ashamed of my scars and bruises. I would often wear jeans and long t-shirts to hide it all away just so that nobody would find out that I was in an abusive relationship. However, after discovering BDSM and embracing all my kinks, I have come to love and relish the bruises I now have after play.

There are two types of people when it comes to kinky bruises, those that don’t give a fuck and show them off and those that are more careful and cover them up. There is nothing wrong with either of the two options.

If you are loud and proud about your kinky bruises, more power to you.  I am very open about my kinks and everything I enjoy with BDSM, and this is around family and friends. I am, however, more careful in public as I firstly don’t want to trigger anyone that survived abuse. Secondly don’t want people to believe I am in an abusive relationship, which could have consequences if they don’t believe it’s consensual.

kinky bruises
Image by Ava Sappho from Pixabay

It is essential to discuss bruising and impact areas with your partner before a session; this way will be easier to avoid areas that are typically exposed in public settings from being bruised. These areas usually are your arms and legs. It would also be best to avoid impact play sessions if you know you are going to the beach, getting a massage, or going to see a doctor. This might lead people to stare or possibly report an abusive situation/ relationship.

Bruises can take anything from a few days to several weeks to heal, and there are ways to speed up the healing process.

The most common bruising ritual is R.I.C.E. (rest, ice, compression, and elevation), not so easy, though, if your ass is bruised.  You can apply ice to your impact play zones directly after a session to ease swelling and bruising; avoid hot baths and painkillers that thin the blood out, as this will increase the risk of bruising. Homeopathic remedies like arnica oil and witch hazel can assist with the healing process.

If you want to include impact play in your session, but you don’t want any kinky bruising, you can use different implements that are less likely to bruise, like furry paddles or soft floggers. Bruising will ultimately depend on your partner and the force of their strikes. Always agree on safewords before a scene and never participate in play just to appease your partner.

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There are two types of people when it comes to kinky bruises, those that don’t give a fuck and show them off and those that are more careful and cover them up. There is nothing wrong with either of the two options.

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