The edge of an orgasm

edge of an orgasm

The edge of an orgasm

Being at the edge of an orgasm and then stopping before you climax is known as edging, many people would think you are bat shit crazy if you tell them you purposefully stop yourself from orgasming, but there is a method to this madness.

Edging has been around for decades, and it is often associated with BDSM as a form of Dominance and submission. A submissive relinquishes control to their Dominant in allowing them the power to control if and when you can orgasm. However, edging isn’t necessary for kinky people; anyone can do it, and you can do it without a partner too.

edge of an orgasm
Photo by Shawn Lee on Unsplash

What is edging, and why should you edge yourself? Edging is taking yourself to the edge just as you are about to orgasm and then stopping yourself from orgasming. You might wonder why you would want to do this to yourself; there are several reasons why this will benefit you.

  • You get to learn about the clues leading up to your orgasm, in a sense understanding your body sexually. So instead of just cumming, you start to pick up on the sensations and movements of your body before you orgasm; it helps you understand your body and how your orgasms affect your body.
  • Edging builds up your orgasms; if you orgasm too quickly or take forever to orgasm, edging will help build up the pressure in a sense. When you edge yourself, don’t do it just once, you constantly take yourself to the tipping edge and then stop till you have cooled down a bit, then you do it all over again, and again and again. When you decide to let yourself orgasm, it will be so intense and releasing that you will never want to orgasm any other way again.

So you know a little more about why edging could be a complete game-changer for your future orgasms; it is now time for the how.

You need to understand your body; you have to pay attention to all bodies cues. If you try to edge yourself without knowing when to stop, you will land up with a ruined orgasm which isn’t always that fun. To understand your triggers, like what takes you over the edge into your typical orgasm. Edging takes time and practice, you might succeed once or twice initially, but it will take some time to understand your orgasms and your natural triggers leading up to your orgasm. You can immediately stop if you feel your orgasm is coming by removing your hands or sex toy or just slow down and then stop as you feel it approaching.

This will change, though, as you start understanding when to slow down and when to start up again. The point of edging is to build up your orgasm intensity, so you don’t want to stop play completely but rather take yourself to the edge of an orgasm and then cool down a bit before taking yourself there again.

Many people feel shame when it comes to orgasms, whether it be religion, sexual trauma, or any type of kinks and fetishes. Edging will help you understand your body, your triggers, and your orgasms. Empowering you to love yourself and accept the intense release of your orgasms.

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This will change, though, as you start understanding when to slow down and when to start up again. The point of edging is to build up your orgasm intensity, so you don’t want to stop play completely but rather take yourself to the edge of an orgasm and then cool down a bit before taking yourself there again.

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